Sunday, October 4, 2009

christmast carols

T___________________________T attacked by insomnia again! ouwwww. ..why cant i sleep. can sleep dunwan sleep, when canot sleep baru bising bising. i think i mush have gone crazy, im too free, bored and tired, but i just cant sleep. INSTEAD, i ended up listening to christmast carols, hoping that i may fall asleep soon. INSTEAD, i ended up downloading a bunch of christmast carols. INSTEAD, i started to hum in the dark while my roomies are fast asleep. INSTEAD, i get more and more energetic listening to the songs. IN THE END i ended up here blogging. T________T seriously consider consulting a doc. i dunwan to die early. T____T

gosh its 4 am nw. i wana kill myself !

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